
Select, combine ansd rearrange parts of a line

USAGE : cdx cut [options...] [files...]

Command Line Options

-f –fields=Columns the columns to select as a Column Set
-g –group=Spec The columns in a bunch, e.g. ‘.group:1-3’
-c –composite=Spec New value made from parts. e.g. ‘stuff:abc^{two}def’

These items will appear in the output file, left to right, in the same order as they were on the command line.

Group Spec

A group is a collection of input columns, squashed together into a single output column. The spec format is

  1. A single byte delimiter
  2. The name of the new column (can be empty of output has no column names) followed by a colon.
  3. A Column Set specifying the columns to be used

Composite Spec

A composite column combines input columns with literal text into a single output column. The spec format is “Name:” specifying the name of the new column followed by a string containg any number of ^{Column} identifiers, mixed up with litera text.
