
Comine the columns of the input files

USAGE : cdx paste [options...] [files...]

paste combines the first lines of each file, then the second lines, and so on. If you want to combine columns based on a matching key, you want join

short long description
-e –end=[Exact,Early,Late] What to do mif files have different lengths. Default Exact. See below.
-l –last In Late mode, repeat last line of shorteer files.
-d –default=ScopedValue In Late mode, use these value as the defaults, rather than the empty string.
-D –dups=[Fail,Allow,Numeric] What to do if duplicate column names are found. Default is Fail. See below.
-r –rename=Old.New,Old.New,… If the name Old is repeated, replace it with New. Eah pair is used only once, and all must be used
-R –rename-sloppy It is not an error is some renames not used.


If aaa.txt contains

 CDX  one two
aaa bbb
ccc ddd

and bbb.txt contains

 CDX  three four
111 222
333 444

The cdx paste aaa.txt bbb.txt would produce

 CDX  one two three four
aaa bbb 111 222
ccc ddd 333 444


The output file has a CDX header if and only if every input file has a CDX header.

End Mode

By default, all files must be the same length (have the same number of rows) or it is an error.

With --end Early, output stops when any file reaches its end.

With --end Late, output continues until all files have reched their end. Zero-length column values are used for shorter files, unless --last or --default are used.

Duplicate Column Name

When combining files this way, it is easy to find yourself with multi columns having the same name, which is malformed. By default, paste will check for this and fail if it occurrs. If you use --dups Allow then messages will be written to stderr, but you will be allowed to create a malformed file. With --dups Numeric if the column name foo appears more than once, then the second time it will be called foo1, the third time foo2 and so on. If you specify --rename foo,bar then the second time foo appears, it will be changed to bar.
