
Verify a file’s contents

USAGE : cdx verify [options...] [files...]

Run cdx verify against your file. Either it prints nothing and returns a zero result code, or it tells you where your file is wring, and return a non-zero result code.

Command Line Options

-p –pattern=Col,Matcher,Pattern This column must match this pattern
-k –key=Comparator Sort criterea for the below.
-s –sort File must be sorted by --key
-u –unique Adjacent lines must not be equal, according to --key. Enables –sort.
-f –first=Op,Value ‘FirstLine Op Value’ must be true. E.g LT,a for first line is less than ‘a’.
-l –last=Op,Value ‘LastLine Op Value’ must be true. According to –key, of course.
-r –report=Number Report this many problems before exiting. Default 5.
